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Date: Wed, 17 Aug 94 21:57:02 +1000
From: (Mike Hall)
Subject: game review(s)
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In Email on Mon, 15 Aug 94 16:03:57 +0200, (Peter Sandberg) wrote:
>I want some of you to take a look at the game and give me some
>comments about gameplay, looks, sound bugs etc. The reason is that I'm
>going to develop a fully-featured shareware version with some 50 levels
>or so for a meagre 10 pence a level( or distribute it on one of Acids
>future gamediscs if they want to). The final game should also have a
>couple of extra features.
I'll gladly do that for you... Same goes for anyone else who'd like
a very honest/critical pre-release review. Shall also touch up on
any gfx that make me wanna puke. :) (if desired and/or accessable)
>I will probably send the game on a floppydisk. It should work on A500,
>A2000, A1200, A3000 and A4000 although sometimes it does some strange
>things with its screens.
cool, either that or upload to my BBS, ( 61-75-382097 ), logon with:
"guest", password "guest".
Otherwise just mail me and something else could be arranged.
>Mail me your postal adress together with a short presentation and I'll